Special strengths
- A seldom combination of strong analytical ability and strong intuition
- Balance between being caring and challenging
- Balance between deep seriousness and contagious humor
- Combine NLP methods with Chinese Yin Yang perspective
Coaching qualifications
- NLP Master Practioner, certified by NLP founder Dr. Richard Bandler, London. (2004). NLP stands for "Neuro lingvistic programmering".
- Member of ICF Norway (International Coaching Federation)
- Have worked as coach since 2003
- Born and grew up in Beijing. Came to Norway alone as a 26-year old.
- Graduated from one of China’s more renowned universities: Tsinghua University, with 6 years education in two different majors 1) Computer Science (5 years) 2) Chinese Language and Literature (2 years). (1984 - 1990)
- Master’s Degree in Language, Logic and Information Technology from University of Oslo. (1991 - 1995)
- Trainee in Statoil. Key IT personnel in Statoil. Senior Adviser in Telenor Mobil. (1995 - 2002)
- Started own coaching company. (2003 -)
- Teach Chinese Language at the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2005 - )
- Lecturer and writer on Chinese Culture and Thinking. Co-author of book "Between Two Cultures". (2006 - )
Cong Zhao |